Full Color Headshot of Joshua Michael Stewart.Prose Poet from western Massachusetts. Yellow Cashmere sweater, 1950's style, Olive Green shirt and brown stepped fedora hat.


Joshua Michael Stewart

The Way of Wind and Stream

SO YOU WANNA BE A HAIKU STAR?photo courtesy of Trish Crapo Joshua Michael Stewart is a poet and musician who has had poems published in the Massachusetts Review, Salamander, Plainsongs, Brilliant Corners, and many others. His books are, Break Every String, (Hedgerow...

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The Way of Wind and Stream

All this Living, All This Hurtingphoto courtesy of Trish Crapo Joshua Michael Stewart is a poet and musician who has had poems published in the Massachusetts Review, Salamander, Plainsongs, Brilliant Corners, and many others. His books are, Break Every String,...

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The Way of Wind and Stream

Squeeze From M the Media Project Special Feature on Gun Violence in America  photo courtesy of Trish Crapo Joshua Michael Stewart is a poet and musician who has had poems published in the Massachusetts Review, Salamander, Plainsongs, Brilliant Corners, and many...

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The Way of Wind and Stream

WRITING THROUGH: A WRITING EXERCISE FOR POETS photo courtesy of Trish Crapo Joshua Michael Stewart is a poet and musician who has had poems published in the Massachusetts Review, Salamander, Plainsongs, Brilliant Corners, and many others. His books are, Break Every...

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The Way of Wind and Stream

TOP TEN PROSE POEM COLLECTIONS photo courtesy of Trish CrapoJoshua Michael Stewart is a poet and musician who has had poems published in the Massachusetts Review, Salamander, Plainsongs, Brilliant Corners, and many others. His books are, Break Every String, (Hedgerow...

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The Way of Wind and Stream

Wabi Sabi Notebook III   photo courtesy of Scott M. GravesJoshua Michael Stewart is a poet and musician who has had poems published in the Massachusetts Review, Salamander, Plainsongs, Brilliant Corners, and many others. His books are, Break Every String,...

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