We’ve Got Both Kinds

(For the Unenrolled)

Bruce and Scott offer a review of the local news landscape……slim picking as of late since the team is receiving very little information from official government sources regarding the recent release of Gardner Police Chief Bracks

The OTRP co-hosts offer insight as information requests made in our new tip and question line, which you can access by linking to all GGW and Gravitas articles.

Bruce shared with us the latest from his upcoming campaign.  It’s decision time in the MA State Republican party and that means our very own Bruce Chester must decide to run for state House of Representatives (thereby recycling his old signs and door hangers) or run for State Senate (and really place pressure on Scott as his volunteer to cross out and re-title 7000+ signs and door hangers).  Such is life. 

Our new series ‘Extraordinary Names in Politics’ offered the lighter side of local politics.  How can we forget the auspicious campaigns of such greats as Kinky Freidman, Harry Baals and Dick Swett to name a few. 

Read Gravitas Series Editorial 

Read Gardner Government Watch 

Read Politics, Done Local Series

Read Essays From An Artist


Lizzy Kazinskas, City Council President, Gardner, MA

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