Are We Here Yet?
Where Economics, Urbanism & Culture Collide
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Episode 180 Are We Here Yet?
Venture Capital & Housing Investment for a better Western MADominic Endicott joins us for a second time on the AWHY? Podcast to discuss a white paper co-published by Dominic and AWHY? Host Scott Graves, detailing a $100 billion dollar strategy for transforming the...
Episode 179 Are We Here Yet?
Plus new podcast announcement ‘Housers’Host Scott Graves is joined by fellow Vermont houser Stephen Box of Rutland. Our discussion focused on both the local discussion and a more global look at how parking is affecting housing in all of our communities in the United...
Episode 12 Innova802
A Collaboration with Interchain LiveWe’re diving into Blockchain and Crypto as the new year comes into being. Innova802 co-host Ryan Munn is no stranger to how blockchain could transform the way we think of and transact money. But our society has placed some...
Episode 11 Innova802
A Collaboration with Interchain LiveWe’re diving into Blockchain and Crypto as the new year comes into being. Innova802 co-host Ryan Munn is no stranger to how blockchain could transform the way we think of and transact money. But our society has placed some...
Episode 178 Are We Here Yet?
with Host Joan Watson JonesAnd in today's episode we show you some of the leading examples today. We end our season ten with host Joan Watson Jones look into some of Jazz’s unsung heroes. Women representing a wide range of ethnic and social backgrounds have always...
Episode 177 Are We Here Yet?
Veronica Mangio & Byron Garcia of Gifting GroveAs we enter the winter solstice, exploring the dark that inevitably comes before the light, we’re considering new ways to think about gifting, yes, and what of commerce? What of a community that reverses the epidemic...