We Create

New ideas in Economic Development & Community Stewardship

Latest White Paper: A $100B Knowledge Towns Strategy for Western MA

What Would $100B do to Transform Western Massachusetts?   What would $100B in total investment do for a rural region of one of the country's powerehouse economies?   In Pioneer Valley Knowledge Towns Strategy Proposal, co-published by author and consultant...

Episode 180 Are We Here Yet?

Venture Capital & Housing Investment for a better Western MADominic Endicott joins us for a second time on the AWHY? Podcast to discuss a white paper co-published by Dominic and AWHY? Host Scott Graves, detailing a $100 billion dollar strategy for transforming the...

Client Press Release 09.17.24

SMG Client Breaking Housing Matters Launches first fundraising effort In America today people without a permanent place to live are now at risk of arrest for sleeping outside in public spaces.  BHM believes this is an intolerable solution to the national housing...

Press Release 03.08.24

Breaking Housing Matters Launches Pilot effort for Rutland, VT  Courtesy of Breaking Housing Matters   Breaking Housing Matters  Contact: Scott M. Graves  978-884-6596  scott@smgravesassociates.com  www.breakinghousingmatters.org  Introduction by BHM Vermont...

Client Spotlight: Op Ed on Housing from Peter de Krassel

Breaking Housing Matters  An Op Ed by Peter de Krassel Click on image for our interview with the author Courtesy of Breaking Housing Matters The Answer to Vermont’s “Underwater” Property Market  Peter G de Krassel Vermont’s housing has priced itself beyond the reach...

Essays From an Artist

The Big 'D' in De-Centralize Used by permission of authorScott M. Graves is Founder of M the Media Project and SMGraves Associates.  As contributing writer to M, he writes under the series Essays from An Artist andDemocratic Capitalism.  He formerly wrote under the...


Episode 13 Innova802

The Year that Was and The Year to Come The Innova802 Crew discuss their thoughts on 2024, the year that was and pontificate on 2025, a year already flooding the airwaves with contentious tech policy maneuvers, authoritarianism, crypto making headlines….tech is at the...

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Episode 180 Are We Here Yet?

Venture Capital & Housing Investment for a better Western MADominic Endicott joins us for a second time on the AWHY? Podcast to discuss a white paper co-published by Dominic and AWHY? Host Scott Graves, detailing a $100 billion dollar strategy for transforming the...

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Recent Appearances

Resilient Economics of Housing Density

by Dane Carlson & The Econ Dev Show


Getting Past Covid, Economic Development, Podcasting

by The Soft Serve Podcast


White Pages