GRAVITAS . . . . Fair and Brutal Opinion (Trapped by Facts)

Headshot of Contributing Writer Scott J. Graves
 M the Media Project

About Contributing Journalist Scott J. Graves in his own words

Scott J. Graves, Esq., B.S. Biology, M.S. Pharmacology, J.D. Law – Father, Born-and-Bred Gardnerien-American, Gardner Native of Acadien Heritage, Gardner High School Class of 1982, Gardner Citizen-Voter, Gardner Homeowner/Taxpayer, 30-year Gardner Business Owner, 30-year Gardner Lawyer, former 16-year Gardner City Councillor, former Gardner City Council President, and former Gardner City Solicitor and Head of the City of Gardner Law Department.

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We have not forgotten about Gardner City Hall’s February 22, 2022 sham election – where City Hall removed Monty Tech School Committee member (and Gardner City Councillor) James Boone from office with two years remaining in his present term.


We have not forgotten that Gardner City Hall suspended the 2/22/22 election to give Boone’s seat away to the Mayor’s cousin (who is another innocent victim in all of this, from what we know).


So, we have been keeping track of the developments.


Lo and behold – the Citizens would never know what happened.  Why?  Because the City Hall silently swept it all under the City Hall rug.


Did you know about that?  Did you know that it’s over?


Do you know what happened?


Of course not, because City Hall didn’t want to tell you.


So we’ll tell you.


As you know, the election to give Boone’s remaining two years away was postponed on February 22, 2002 under the guise and ruse of expecting some justifying information from Monty Tech – when everyone knew (but wouldn’t say) that there was no such justification.


So, we are all waiting for the information from Monty Tech, so that the election can be resumed – to see if the Mayor’s cousin is going to join the Mayor’s uncle in replacing the two popular incumbents – Matt Vance and James Boone.


Well, on March 18, 2022 City Hall got the information from Monty Tech. But, they didn’t tell the Citizens that.


When they got the information, they just called it a wrap – and closed down the “Joint Convention.” They didn’t hold a meeting, and they didn’t tell you anything.


Nothing to see here.  Carry on.

And just like magic, abracadabra – poof!  All gone. 


Mommy kiss all better.


The decision-makers at City Hall decided not to go through with giving Boone’s seat away without any lawful grounds to do so.  After we started asking questions and snooping around, that all of a sudden didn’t seem like such a good idea to the City Hall decision-makers and their legal advisors.


So, now City Hall is going to leave Boone alone.  For now.


But, doesn’t the Open Meeting Law require that the public body (this “Joint Convention”) give us notice, and meet in the open to do all this?


We think so.


That’s why we have filed an Open Meeting Law Complaint – which is now a public record.  We only have 30 days to do it, so now it’s in.


Stay tuned.

We think Mayor of Gardner Mike Nicholson (Left) is going to need a brighter suit.
Close-up taken from the Gardner, MA 'Love' sign currently housed in center of the city. White and Orange cut-out signs of each letter in the word love.
Look through the Love sign in downtown Garder, MA and what do you see?  A half-finished parking lot, rear facades in disrepair and not much else.

Listen Now! A podcast on the latest Open Meeting Law Violation

by On The Rocks Politica

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Official Seal of the City of Gardner, MA

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