The Devilish World of Perma Grin

host Scott Graves and guest Sarah Nadler discuss women in business in spring 2023
Photos & artwork courtesy of Dan Cummings

Host Scott M. Graves sat down with Derick Cummings and old pal Steven Harnois from PermaGrin, the fantasmic music project that originated as a pandemic project which has resulted in the album, ‘Ode to Entropy.  We entice you to listen in with four aural excerpts from said album.  

From the moment I heard this album is was enthralled and wrote a friend, ‘Brah, it’s like these dudes went to sleep with Hot Rats and The Grand Wazoo on repeat and then woke up the next day to the rest of their lives…’

We hope our interview with Perma Grin represents a new start for you, too.  Listen in and let us know what you think in the comments. 

host Scott Graves and guest Sarah Nadler discuss women in business in spring 2023
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Underwriting with M the Media Project

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