Revelations of Masters of the Universe…Revelations
Part II
Boys with their toys. Used with Permission from Bert Herholz
Since the series dropped last Friday, there has been a lot of reaction to the show and the choices Kevin Smith has made in his vision of continuing the adventures of He-Man, Skeletor, Teela and so many other characters for those of us who grew up in the 1980s remember from the original series. Some have praised it. Some have been less than happy with the results.
This week Bret, Jamie and Waye watch episode one live as fellow host Andrew gives a breakdown of the action from the episode. For the first time on the program, giving an honest first reaction to the show without seeing it beforehand. If you have not seen episode one just yet, we advise you might want to wait till you’ve watched it before you listen to this podcast. If you have seen the episode or you don’t give a rat’s ass about spoilers, happy to have you along for the ride.
So come along for the ride and brace yourself for the revelations Kevin Smith and company have in store for us!! The Power is back. And with no extra charges.
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