Comin’ Round the Bend: Campaign 2020


Ahhhhh, Rats again
Don’t worry, we’re roundin’ the bend on this latest campaign cycle

With the 2020 Election looming on November 3, we focus Episode #3 on the State Senate election, on funding schemes you all should know, and just why the hell did the U.S. Supreme Court vote for voter suppression on Monday for?

With the 2020 Election looming on November 3, we focus Episode #3 on the State Senate election between John Cronin (D-Fitchburg) and incumbant Dean Tran (D-Fitchburg). We pick apart their October 15,  2020 TV debate from FATV.  Much of the debate focused on Dean Tran’s investigations, Cronin keeping up a steady stream of this while the debate focused away from issues deeply concerning the lives of all of the districts people.  

We also focused on a point we agree on: The involvement of Sen. Dean Tran and Rep. Jon Zlotnik in attempting to pass legislation on behalf of local developer Greg Liscotti on CAPE COD was unfair, un-focused, and fairly short-sighted since a shittier Cape Cod would make a bad place for Dean and Jay Z. to vacation on.  See video from Senate floor on this in 2019.

Scott and Scott also touched upon the difference in funding sources; when you’re elected official talks about bringing home the bacon, YOU should understand the difference between state earmarks, grants to apply for and what exactly is entailed in a bond bill.

From national news the Supreme Court decision, made just minutes after the appointment of Amy Coney Barrett 5-3 in favor of Wisconsin Republicans to do away with 80,000 mail-in ballots may be a harbinger of less democratic things to come.  Read Heather Cox Richardson’s essay reporting this decision.   All this and more on Scotts on the Rocks Politica Podcast.

Scotts on the Rocks Politica is a political-centric broadcast featuring the two Scotts.  Scott J. Graves is a politically conservative pundit and Scott M. Graves is a liberally minded political junky. Together they prove why you and I have more in common and that we’re better together than torn asunder.

Their weekly podcast will feature a careful examination of a topical political story from a national and then local perspective.

If you appreciate local journalism with a global reach, if you want to cut through the BS and get right to the heart of the matter where it counts for your family our show is right for you.


 With that in mind we’re launching an initiative we’re calling M The Media Project. This is a service of SMGraves Associates and over the months and years ahead we’re hoping to experiment with a variety of mediums, financial models and service delivery methods to deliver important news to a regional audience.  

It is our hope that we will create successful media services companies, incubated right here in central Massachusetts that have the potential of becoming replicable.  

The stakes for our society are too high for us not to take this endeavor on.  There are too many capable journalists across the country willing to take part in new and successful business enterprise dedicated to the smart delivery of local political, social and cultural stories.  The stories that tell us who we are and who we desire to be.

Official Logo of the Scotts on the Rock Politica Podcast. Red white and blue lettering on a background of a bourbon on the rocks. The extreme background a US flag.

Underwriting Scotts on the Rocks Politica Podcast.

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