Treason, You Say?

Benedict Arnold, the Devil himself &
Jefferson Davis burn in hell.
Co-Host Scott M. Graves and producer Cam McLeod didn’t let the last minute absence of legal mind Scott J. Graves cancel out on an exciting look at this week’s Texas lawsuit. What might the consequences be of considering the 126 Congressmen and Senators who signed on to it as traitors to the Union?

Remember, Remember the fifth of November
The state of Texas filed a lawsuit against the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia last week, a case that the Supreme Court at the start of this week turned down.
Texas’s lawsuit argued that the outcome of the presidential election in those states, effected by changes each state made to their elective processes were an infringement on Texas’s right for a fair and free election.
If Texas had won, this decision would fly in the face of our cherished idea of states rights vs. a strong federal electorate. This is an important political trait that states like Texas have cherished since before our Civil War, which apparently they are willing to give up now.
Congressman Bill Pascrell, Jr of New Jersey wants to pass legislation making the 126 Congressman who signed onto the lawsuit traitors to the constitution. There may very well be merit to his case in the 14th amendment or other legal arguments. Even if so, would preventing them from sitting in January create the kind of atmosphere of healing to move forward the country desperately needs?
So what gives and what do you need to know to better understand these principals yourself? Listen on to Episode 9 of our podcast to find out more.
Scotts on the Rocks Politica is a political-centric broadcast featuring the two Scotts. Scott J. Graves is a politically conservative pundit and Scott M. Graves is a liberally minded political junky. Together they prove why you and I have more in common and that we’re better together than torn asunder.
Their weekly podcast will feature a careful examination of a topical political story from a national and then local perspective.
If you appreciate local journalism with a global reach, if you want to cut through the BS and get right to the heart of the matter where it counts for your family our show is right for you.
With that in mind we’re launching an initiative we’re calling M The Media Project. This is a service of SMGraves Associates and over the months and years ahead we’re hoping to experiment with a variety of mediums, financial models and service delivery methods to deliver important news to a regional audience.
It is our hope that we will create successful media services companies, incubated right here in central Massachusetts that have the potential of becoming replicable.
The stakes for our society are too high for us not to take this endeavor on. There are too many capable journalists across the country willing to take part in new and successful business enterprise dedicated to the smart delivery of local political, social and cultural stories. The stories that tell us who we are and who we desire to be.

Underwriting Scotts on the Rocks Politica Podcast.
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