It’s A Group Thing
Can local politics get more careless?

This week the On The Rocks Politica cast of characters had a visitor. Government Affairs Correspondent Scott J. Graves contributed his findings in the latest Open Meeting Law Violation to hit the city of Gardner.
M the Media Project and Gardner Government Watch uncovered a memorandum this weekend detailing the decision of the city council regarding the prior outstanding open meeting law violations submitted to the Massachusetts Attorney Generals Office. (Yes, this is an on-going and recognized problem at city hall)
The problem?
This document was intended for public consumption AFTER the city council meeting of February 7, 2022. It was distributed to the council members days PRIOR via the city solicitor and council president to the actual meeting…..where it would be discussed for a final vote.
Either our City Council President is violating state law or……. she has a real life flux capacitor! GREAT SCOTT!
Or should we say our great Scott.
This podcast is a companion to the this article on Gardner Government Watch.
We’ll continue to report on this issue.
Scott also clued us in to other submissions We’re working on at M the Media Project including news on the continuing issues surrounding our municipal sludge landfill
Find Scott M. Graves essay ‘My Life with a Sludge Landfill’
Find information regarding Sludge Landfill Alternatives
Scott also recently spoke with a Lowell-based developer who is currently working hard to ease our residential rental market pressures.

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