Episode 58 On the Rocks Politica

What of the Civil War? Are We Living American Mythology? Contribute Subscribe On January 11, 2022 United States President Joe Biden offered a speech in Atlanta, Georgia which has received much attention in the weeks since.   In addition to referring to the recent...

Episode 55 On the Rocks Politica

A Message of Hope & of Meaning photos courtesy of SMG Contribute Subscribe We learned Sunday that Joe Manchin, Democratic Senator from the state of West Virginia cannot support the Build Back Better infrastructure bill, a measure that is central to President Joe...

Episode 50 On the Rocks Politica

On Apples & Infrastructure Imagined image of John Chapman, public domain Used by permission from Scott M. Graves Contribute Subscribe In our episode ‘Apples & Infrastructure co-host Bruce Chester brings to the OTRP table the story of our local hero, John...

Episode 44 On the Rocks Politica

It’s the End of the World As We Know It.  …and I feel fine co-host and M the Media Project founder Scott M. Graves Contribute Subscribe Scott M. Graves is Founder of M the Media Projectand SMGraves Associates.  As contributing writer to M, he writes under...