It’s In the Cards

The Groundhog digs themselves a hole....Groundhog-ites United?
The Groundhogs dig themselves a hole….Groundhog-ites United?

Four Years in a Day: Trump’s Groundhog Day.

I think Gardnerites United should stick to weather reports, Mayoral video updates, recipes, lost dogs, GIF cartoons, and prayers.

From what I am told, GU is one of the best for those things – and that it’s actually a lovely and very useful source of information, and helpful, in that regard.  

There are a few “Gardner” social media pages that all do this same thing.

But, politics?  Partisan politics blemishes GU’s good will.  It’s hard for a collective to put out partisan politics.  You really need to be an individual – or a member of a political group (like the MDP, for example).  So, for a “group of Friends” like GU, it’s not a good idea for a few partisan hacks to speak for the whole Group – but, that’s their business.

Disclaimer: this is only rumor – I have heard that the political intelligentsia on Gardnerites United are criticizing what they perceive to be a problem we are seeing with the Citizenry’s difficulties and confusion having to do with getting the COVID vaccinations.  They were talking about Gardner, from what I hear.

But, let’s be clear: there is nothing that the City has done, or not done, that has created any such thing.  There is no problem taking place now, that I know of, for which the City did not fully and perfectly plan in advance.

When Mayor Nicholson says we are prepared and ready and doing our best, I believe him. I have no facts that would say otherwise.  Do you?

So, what is GU talking about?

It’s Trump’s fault.  

Well, that’s a relief (I guess).  It’s like saying, “Mr. Smith, don’t worry that your house burned down, it wasn’t caused because you left the cigarette in the ashtray, which you did – it was caused by lightning.”  Oh, what a relief (as you sort through a mixture of ashes and slush for your car keys so you can get to your new place at the motel).

It MUST be Trump’s fault, and, once again, GU is right (as usual, it’s in the Cards).

I mean, come on – you have a Worldwide Pandemic (pardon the redundancy) that is out-of-control all over Planet Earth (except in Point Nemo), and scientists came up with several vaccines that certain “experts” used “science” to tell us could not be created for 2 to 3 years, and it has been a month already and not every human of the 360 million in the U.S.A. has been vaccinated yet?  WTF(rick)? Trump’s fault.

Let’s do another Impeachment after this one.

In fact, if GU could get some out-of-town bench-sitter waterboy to troll some of Trump’s emails, the GU political expert pundits would all right now be sitting cross-legged together in a circle, with glue sticks and safety scissors, kidnapping Trump’s words by cutting them all up and pasting them together, out-of-context, so that they could publish them on GU in unrecognizable context – to more fully blame Trump for everything – just like they blame anyone who does not fall into the orthodoxy of their political ideology. It’s what they do.

But, let’s not pick on the geniuses writing about political science on GU.  If you have the ability to type keyboard keys, and have internet access, type in: “Trump administration botched” – and hit “enter,” and see what happens. Then search “Trump Administration success.”  It’s fun. Try it.

So, we are in season for Groundhog Day (literally).  The Tarot Card reader himself, Punxsutawney Phil, aka “The Groundhog,” just read the Cards (they say “shadow,” but it’s code).  Therefore, we have six more weeks of winter.  Yeah, but we have 4 more years of Trump Groundhog Day.


Groundhog Day, the movie, starring Bill Murray, is about a hapless weather reporter who becomes trapped in a time loop forcing him to relive February 2 (Groundhog Day) repeatedly.

We are now caught in a perpetual loop of Trump Groundhog Day.  For four years, maybe eight, – when something goes wrong, or you need someone to blame, it will just be the same four years of Trump lies, utter failures, recklessness and maladministration (and worse), destroying us all, over and over and over again.  Wake up, repeat.

What a relief.  Whatever ails you, your back from shoveling, the weather, lack of COVID vaccine, your 401K value plummeting, lack of toilet paper, Wall Street fragility, lack of diversity on City boards, racism, insurrections, lack of responsible babysitters, not enough progressivism ideology on Netflix – all Trump’s fault.

Back to the vaccines, is it Trump’s fault that there is confusion, or that people can’t get a vaccine in Gardner?  The GU political science professors say “yes.”

I say it’s no one’s fault – and everyone has, and is, doing their best.

People who don’t dare enter The Arena (google Teddy Roosevelt’s “Citizenship in a Republic” speech in Paris), need scapegoats.  I get it.  But, why can’t we accept the fact that sometimes, maybe only rarely, there is no one to blame for Nature’s wrath upon us weakling humans?

But, GU, I hear, actually celebrates complaining – they celebrate “bitching.” Rumor. Well, with Trump’s Groundhog Day at least they’ll have someone to blame.

Here in Gardner, I don’t think celebrating complaining is helpful – not without offering a solution.  The Mayor has done his best.  Maybe focus on that.

The City made its plan available on February 1st.  That’s only about 45 days since the vaccines became available in the U.S.  That’s not fast enough for GU?  Not to mention, as the professors at GU know – the City must follow democrat Governor Baker’s edicts – the so-called “Three-Step Plan” at the State level.  That means that Gardner can only be in Phase 2 (75 years-old and older).

Oh, and when you find yourself saying, “hey, hold my Martini for a minute,” make sure you put your cigarette out.  And, as for the Martini, you can Shake it, but don’t Stir it up.

Special Feature Scotts on the Rocks Politica on MA House of Representatives transparency.

Scott J. Graves last appearance on ‘Scotts on the Rocks Politica Podcast’.

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