Episode 148 Are We Here Yet?

What do Our Value Systems Say about Our Values? plus Orrin Evans in The Jazz Room  Courtesy of our Guest. Contribute Subscribe to M the Media Project We had the distinct pleasure to speak with Daniel Parkins with a rather broad question to answer: What does the way we...

Essays from an Artist

A Moral Imperative Behind Middle Market Housing Used by permission of artist Subscribe through Patreon Subscribe to M the Media Project Scott M. Graves is Founder of M the Media Project and SMGraves Associates.  As contributing writer to M, he writes under the series...

Episode 78 Are We Here Yet? Podcast

How Do We Work Together?   Subscribe Contribute Photo Courtesy of ReEnvision Consulting Our guest this week is  Soudie Tahmassebipour, the executive director of the Wachusett Area Social Justice Alliance. Soudie and her team are one year into their home grown...

Episode 75 Are We Here Yet? Podcast

The ‘Are We Here Yet’? Top Ten List of 2021.   Subscribe Contribute Welcome to our First Top Ten List at SMG’s ‘Are We Here Yet? Podcast.  Are these are ten favorite?  Come on, we love all of our episodes.  But we hope we’ve pickced...